It was early in the morning, the sky was dull, and all you could hear is the birds starting to wake up and chirp, when my sister and I were sleeping, until my dad came in and told us to wake up and get ready to go. We slowly opened our sleepy eyes and dragged ourselves out of our beds, and down the stairway. Then we continued drowsily walk to the kitchen and urge our hands to pick up a waffle and put it in the toaster, it was harder then it seems when you went at bed at 1:30 am and had to wake up at 500 am, I mean that is only 5 teeny hours of sleep, followed by a horrible day!
After we left my house we drove along the busy high way, yes it was busy even though it was super ! I was not that long of a drive, just around 20 minutes, I wish it was longer, so i had time to sleep, but that didn't happen.
Now we are at the airport and I am dreading the time that is going to have to come sooner then I want it to, saying bye to my dad. As we get to the baggage drop off, my dad tried to sort some things out with the people and that took at least an hour in an half.
By now we are running very late and on the verge of missing the flight! So we rush to the place that we have to say good bye. So my sisters and i walk with our backs turned to my dad and walk through the gate and the we disappear into the crowd.
By then we were all ready and seated in the plain prepared to leave, when my older sister and I realized that our TVs totally stopped working , so did the mans across the hallway from us and the person in fro

nt of the man. When one of the cabin crew was walking through the hall way the man across from us mentioned it and then the lady got the purser( the head of the cabin crew), so then they started counting how many peoples had the same problem as ours, and of course every ones on the upper floor! After that they had to call up the engineer and we had to wait for him to get to the plain. After he got there he discovered that there was a problem with the generator, and that it would only take up to half an hour or one hour to fix, well that was a very wrong prediction!( At this point we are still on the ground in Dubai!)
It turned out that there was a bigger problem with he generator, and they Had to get everyone OFF THE PLANE to fix it!I wasn't pleased to hear this because I had experienced this problem before, not with the generator, but the captains being late, then never getting there on time! we ended up spending the night in a new york airport (one that we weren't familiar with) in hard uncomfortable cots, not knowing anything! it was truly a horrible experience! Any way I was hoping that the same thing didn't happen in this situation!
When we got off the plane we sat in the room that we would have waited in to get on the lane if we weren't late. Then they announce that we would be 4 hours delayed, my mouth swung open and I just wanted to be home and getting something to eat because I was starving! As we sat there for around an hour an a half, we saw people with carts of food, taking them to the lower level, and then my older sister said,"oh no, we are going to be here for a while," and I exactly what she meant! they then told us all to go downstairs and take a seat, then they serve us disgusting cold lemon bread things which I refused to eat, I just took a bottle of water, and waited.
4 hours later we were told to get back on the plane, and then thank goodness our TVs were working , so while we waited to take off we could At least watch the rest of our movies.
Finally we got into the air and we were on our way to Canada, when my sister said," I feel like this flight isn't going to be good," and I agreed.
After they served breakfast off the plane, they immediately served lunch when we got back on the plane, and that was all all good.
Around 10 hours later I started to feel hungry, so I then hear the familiar noise of the big cart that carries all the food and I thought ," oh good there bringing food," so they carried on with the normal procedure, first asking what bread I would like, I picked a croissant, and then after that they are supposed to come back and ask what type of meal I would like, but no, they didn't come and ask what I would like, they just totally forgot to ask me, so with around 3
hours left, I was seriously starved! With like 2 hours left I tried to occupy myself by playing games with Taryn, on the TVs, which helped, but I still felt really hungry! now it was only like 30 minutes left and I was feeling sicker and sicker by the minute, so were all my sisters. Finally we had landed and now we were in the line up waiting to get of the plane, and I felt it coming, yes I did throw up, on a plane, it is kinda gross but I did, and well, that just topped off my entire day!
Life lesson: Try to look for the positives in EVERYTHING even if they are very hard to find!